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North Marion Elite Girls Basketball

North Marion Elite Girls Basketball


North Marion United & Elite , INC ( We are still working on BYLAWS AS A BOARD and we hope to have them done soon)

Name and Status The name of this organization shall be the “North Marion United & Elite Inc.” Which is organized as an Oregon nonprofit corporation in accordance with the Oregon Non-profit Statutes. North Marion United & Elite shall maintain its status as an Oregon nonprofit corporation

ARTICLE II Purpose of North Marion Unite & Elite

The purpose of North Marion United & Elite shall be to teach, govern, promote, encourage, and educate all aspects of the game of Youth Sports while providing recreational and competitive opportunities, and promoting member participation in all phases of the program. A primary aim of this organization shall be to develop fundamental skills, self-confidence, self-worth, and team cooperation in an atmosphere that is safe, competitive and fun and stresses full participation.

Participation Section 1. Participation of the players in this program will be for those grades Pre -K through 8th. 

Section 2. North Marion United & Elite shall provide insurance for each player participating in each Youth sport program.

Section 3. North Marion United & Elite  will ensure each coach is provided equipment and resources necessary to assist him or her in coaching. Coaches will be required to register and participate in a background check. 

Voting Membership

Section 1. Voting membership of North Marion United & Elite shall be restricted to the Board of Directors, coaches, assistant coaches and one adult family member per child whose child(ren) participated in the program the previous year, or who are participating in the current year’s program, all of whom are herein after known as “members”.
Exceptions will be addressed when a conflict of interest in the vote is noted by the Board of Directors. Section

2. Voting rights of the members will be limited to the annual election of new officers. The Board of Directors shall make all other decisions. Section

3. Any member of North Marion United & Elite  or adult who resides within the North Marion school District Boundaries is entitled to run for an elected office on the Board of Directors. 


Membership, Voting, Dues and Participation

A. Membership. Members of North Marion United & Elite shall consist of one adult family member representing each registered participant in the North Marion United & Elite programs, including coaches and assistant coaches of each team in the preceding season, and such other persons as may be designated annually as members of the Board of Directors (with a maximum of 2 per family). Membership shall be determined as of the registration deadline for participants in grades 1 through 8 and shall not be updated until the next succeeding registration deadline for those grades.

B. Dues. The Board of Directors of North Marion United & Elite shall review the financial status of North Marion Unite & Elite  annually and shall determine whether participants are to be assessed dues and if so, the amount and payment thereof. The Board of Directors may, in its sole and absolute discretion, waive and/or modify the payment of dues for any participant, or terminate the participation of any participant for nonpayment of dues.

C. Participation . Any child within the geographic areas served by North Marion United & Elite meeting the grade requirements as established by the Board of Directors shall be eligible to participate. Each member of North Marion United & Elite is invited to attend the membership meetings of North Marion United & Elite and meetings of the Board of Directors to make suggestions regarding the administration and execution of North Marion United & Elite  program(s). The Board of Directors of North Marion United & Elite may, in their sole and absolute discretion, terminate the participation of any participant or member.
D. Competitive  Sports . The Competitive League shall be organized under the North Marion United & Elite  umbrella and shall be financially assisted by the increased fees for the participants in the Competitive League(s). 

Meetings of North Marion United & Elite Members
A. Place. Board meetings (to which all Members of North Marion United & Elite are invited) shall be held at such locations as designated in the meeting notices.

B. Annual Meeting. North Marion United & Elite shall conduct an annual meeting of the members during the month of May, at which meeting the members shall elect a Board of Directors. The members of North Marion United & Elite  shall conduct other business as deemed necessary at the annual meeting. Written notices stating the place and hour of the annual meeting shall be distributed no less than ten (10) days nor more than fifty (50) days before the date of the meeting.

C. Other Meetings of Members. In addition to the annual meeting, North Marion United & Elite members shall hold such meetings at such place and at such date and time as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Notices stating the details the meeting shall be delivered within (30) days of the meeting. 



A. Number and Election. At the Annual Meeting, members of North Marion United & Elite shall elect a Board of Directors consisting of no fewer than nine (9) nor more than fifteen (15 ) Directors. Candidates shall run for one or more specific position(s) on the board (as listed below), and members shall vote to fill each position on the Board. The candidate with the largest number of votes for their specific position shall be declared the winner. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each position on the Board. The election will be administered by the President and one outgoing Board Member.

B. Non-voting Members of the Board The Board may, in its discretion, preclude Board Members from votes that present a conflict of interest, which may or may not include the North Marion HS Head Coaching Staff.

C. Duties and Terms. The business and affairs of North Marion United & Elite shall be managed by the Board of Directors. All Directors elected shall hold office from the date of their election at the annual meeting each May. Directors shall serve a term of office of three (3) years commencing at the close of the meeting in which they were elected, and ending at the Annual Meeting of the second year of their term.  

D. Indemnity. North Marion United & Elite  shall indemnify and hold harmless the officers and board members of North Marion United & Elite for liability and related expenses under ORS 60.387 - 60.414., except in relation to matters as to which he/she shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for intentional torts, gross negligence or gross misconduct in the performance of their duty. The foregoing right to indemnification shall not be deemed to exclude any other rights to which any officer or Director or employee may be entitled apart from the provisions of the section.

E. Nomination of Candidates for the Board. At least 7 days prior to the annual meeting of the members, the Board of Directors shall propose a slate of candidates by position to be considered for the election to the Board at the annual meeting. Nominations may also be made by the members leading up to and/or at the annual meeting and shall not be limited to the slate of candidates proposed by the Board.

F. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors may be filled by the affirmative vote of the remaining Directors provided that the number of affirmative votes is no less than a quorum of the Board of Directors. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. A Director elected by a Directorship to be filled by a reason of an increase in the number of Directors shall be filled only at an annual meeting of members or at a special meeting of members specifically called for that purpose.

G. Meetings of the Board. A regular meeting of the Board shall be held each year promptly after the annual meeting of the members of North Marion United & Elite. Other regular meetings of the Board shall be held at such times and places as determined by the Board. Special meetings of the Board may be called from time to time by the President or any Director on no less than forty-eight (48) hours notice to each Director. Any business may be transacted at a special meeting of the Board.

H. Quorum and Voting. A minimum of five shall constitute a quorum for a transaction of business. The act of majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors.

I. Notices. Notice of place, date and time of special meetings of the Board of Directors may be by telephone or in writing, which may include electronic mail, delivered to each Director personally or left at his residence address or usual place of business. Neither the business to be transacted nor the purpose of any special meeting need be stated in the notice. No notice need be given of any regular meeting of the Board of Directors. The Directors may adjourn from any meeting from day to day. Attendance of a Director at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except when a Director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting was not lawfully called or convened.

J. Removal.  All or any number of the Board of Directors may be removed from office by a vote of a majority of the members of North Marion United & Elite  present at a meeting duly called for that purpose whenever, in the judgment of such members, the best interests of North Marion United & Elite would be served.


Committees The Board shall establish areas of responsibility to be allocated amongst them, to include the maintenance of North Marion United & Elite  equipment, publicity, technical advice, scheduling of meeting of North Marion United & Elite , scheduling of clinics, scheduling of games and practices, registration, referee selection and scheduling and such other matters as are necessary. The Board may also create committees to report to the Board or specific board members on various matters relative to the affairs of North Marion United & Elite.

AMENDMENT OF THE BYLAWS A summary of all proposed amendments, repeals or alterations of all or any part of these Bylaws shall be given to the members of North Marion United & Elite at least twenty (20) days prior to a membership meeting.. The Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote of the Board Members at which a quorum is present.

DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY UPON DISSOLUTION In the event of dissolution or final liquidation of North Marion United & Elite, after all outstanding claims and debts have been satisfied, the remaining property of North Marion United & Elite  shall be distributed to the Local School districts  or such other nonprofit organization as may be selected by the Board.

ARTICLE XI OFFICERS The Board of Directors of North Marion shall select a minimum of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The election of these officers shall take place at the annual meeting of the Board, with responsibilities being assumed promptly upon election. The duties of the officers shall


A. Executive Board

1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board and membership shall have general charge of and control over all of the general affairs of North Marion United & Elite, subject to the Board. The President shall be authorized to represent North Marion United & Elite in such appearances as may be required of North Marion United & Elite  during his/her term of office. The President shall also supervise the making of any contract or other instruments necessary in the general conduct of the business and affairs of North Marion United & Elite with the approval of the Board, under the guidelines established in the policies and procedures.

2. Vice President. The Vice President shall perform such duties as shall be assigned by the Board and, in the case of a death, disability of absence of the President, shall perform and be vested with all the duties and powers of the President until the president resumes his/her duties or the President's successor is elected by members of the Board.

3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the membership and the Board. The Secretary shall make such reports to the Board and members of North Marion United & Elite  as may be required of him/her by the Board. The Secretary shall also perform such other duties, as the Board shall delegate to the Secretary.

4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have custody of all financial books, records, and papers of North Marion United & Elite . Treasurer shall make such reports to the Board, the members of North Marion United & Elite , and the federal regulators as may be required of him/her by the Board. This shall include filings regarding corporate and nonprofit status and the payment of compensation to referees. The Treasurer shall keep account of all the moneys of North Marion United & Elite received or disbursed and shall deposit all the moneys in the name of and to credit of North Marion United & Elite in such banks and depositories as the Board shall designate, subject to withdrawal in the manner herein set forth, and subject to the control of the Board. The Treasurer shall issue a Treasurer's report at each Board meeting and at such other times as may be required by the Board. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties, as the Board shall delegate to the Treasurer.

B. Additional Board Positions

1. Scheduling/Facilities Coordinator. ( Football, Soccer, Basketball , Softball, Baseball)

2. Members at Large. The Officers may at any time elect four (4) members at large.

C. Non Elected Board Members

1. North Marion High School Varsity  Head Coaches.


EXECUTION OF INSTRUMENTS AND WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS The Board may prescribe the manner in which and by whom certain instruments are executed. The Board shall adopt appropriate controls for the withdrawal and expenditure of North Marion United & Elite  funds. North Marion United & Elite shall use an internal control procedure of dual check signing for any amounts that exceed $500.


RULES AND PROCEDURES OF North Marion United & Elite  may have separate documents that describe its rules and procedures related to coaching, registration, team formation, and grievances not contained in this document. These rules are available upon request from the Secretary. These bylaws were amended, approved and adopted on __________, 2023


North Marion Elite Girls Basketball

Phone: 503-867-4444
Email: [email protected]

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